- Introduction
- Dynamic Binding
- Directives
- Controllers
- Scope
- Services
- Factories
- Expressions
- Form Validations
- Filters
- Custom Directives
- Routing
- Making an API Call
- Modules
- Dependency Injection
About Angular5 Training
Angular 5 training by real-time experts with real time examples, this Angualar5 Training covers all the topics in depth with complete overview of AngularJS,2 and 4
Couse Syllabus:
Section 1 : Getting Started with Angular 5
- Course Introduction
- What is Angular
- Angular vs Angular 2 vs Angular 4 vs Angular 5
- CLI Deep Dive
- Project Setup and First App
- The course Structure
- What is TypeScript
- A basic setup of Bootstrap for Styling
Section 2: The Basics of Angular 5
- Module Introduction
- How an Angular App gets loaded and started
- Components
- Creating new Component
- Understanding the role of AppModule and Component Declaration
- Understanding Component Templates
- Understanding Component Styles
- Understanding Component Selector
Section 3: Databinding & Directive Concepts
- Module Introduction
- What is Databinding
- String Interpolation
- Property Binding
- Property Binding vs String Interpolation
- Event Binding
- Bindable Properties and Events
- Passing and Using Data using Event Binding
- Two-Way Binding
- Forms Module and Two Way Binding
- Understanding Directives
- Using ngIf and Else Conditions
- Using ngStyle for Styling Angular App
- Applying css Class dynamically with ngClass
- Displaying Lists using ngFor
Section 4: Advanced Component and Databinding
- Module Introduction
- Dividing the App into multiple components
- Property and Event Binding deep dive
- Binding to custom properties
- Binding to custom events
- View Encapsulation
- Understanding Local Reference inside Templates
- Getting Access to the templates using @ViewChild.
- Exploring Component Life Cycle
- Life cycle hooks deep dive
Section 5: Advance Directive Concepts
- Creating a basic custom attribute directive
- Exploring Renderer to create a Directive
- Understanding HostListener and HostBinding
- Binding to Directive’s Properties
- Building Structural Directives
- Exploring ngSwitch
Section 6: Understanding Services and Implementing Dependency Injection
- Module Introduction
- Why Services are required
- Creating a Service
- Injecting the service into components
- Understanding Dependency Hierarchical Injector
- Injecting a Service into other services
Section 7: Routing in Angular 5
- Module Introduction
- Understanding the need of a Router
- Setting Up and implementing Routes
- Navigating to Router Links
- Understanding Router Paths
- Styling Active Router Links
- Understanding Navigation Paths
- Styling Router Links
- Navigating Dynamically
- Using Relative Paths
- Passing Parameters to Routes and fetching route parameters
- Fetching route parameters in a Reactive Way
- Passing query parameters and fragments
- Understanding Nested Routes
- Redirecting and Wildcard routes
- Redirection Path Matching
- Outsourcing the Route Configuration
- Introduction to Guards
- Understanding can activate
- Understanding canActivateChild
- Understanding can deactivate
- Passing Static Data to a Route
- Understanding Resolve Guard
- Exploring Location Strategies
Section 8: Observables in Angular 5
- Module Introduction
- Understanding built-in Angular Observable
- Creating Observables
- Using a Custom observable
- Unsubscribe
- Using Subjects to pass and Listen to Data
- Understanding Observable Operators
Section 9: Forms in Angular 5
- Module Introduction
- Need of Angular’s help
- Template Driven vs Reactive Approach
Template Driven Approach
- TD: Creating the Form and Registering the controls
- TD: Submitting and Using the form
- TD: Understanding Form’s State
- TD: Accessing Form using @ViewChild
- TD: Adding Validation to user input
- TD: Built-in Validator and using HTML 5 Validation
- TD: Understanding Form State
- TD: Outputting Validation Error Messages
- TD: Set Default Value with ngModel Property Binding
- TD: Using ngModel and two-way binding
- TD: Grouping Form Controls
- TD: Using Form Data
Reactive Form Approach
- Reactive: Creating a Form in Code
- Reactive: Submitting the form
- Reactive: Adding Validation
- Reactive: Getting Access to Controls
- Reactive: Grouping Controls
- Reactive: FormArray
- Reactive: Custom Validators
- Reactive: Exploring Error Codes
- Reactive: Custom Async Validator
Section 10: Exploring Pipes in Angular 5
- Module Introduction
- Using Pipes
- Parameterizing Pipes
- Chaining Multiple Pipes
- Creating a custom Pipe
- Pure & Impure Pipes
- Understanding the Async Pipe
Section 11: Making HTTP Requests in Angular 5
- Introduction & how HTTP request works in SPAs
- Sending POST Request
- Adjusting request headers
- Sending GET requests
- Sending PUT Requests
- Response with observable operators
- Catching HTTP errors
- Using the async pipe with HTTP Requests
Section 12: Authentication & Route Protection in Angular Apps
- Module Introduction
- How Authentication works in SPAs
- Introduction to JWT
- Creating a Signup Page and Route
- Setting up Firebase SDK
- Signing users up
- Signing users in
- Token introduction
- Sending a token
- Route protection and redirection example.
Section 13: Typescript Introduction
- Module Introduction
- Using types
- Classes
- Interface
- Generics
- Wrap up & Modules
- Deep dive into typescripts.
Section 14: Project:
This section will cover a course project where we will try to implement all topics we covered in each session. The course project will run after completion of each module.
Thanks for the best ever Training. I did my Android Course here. Trainer is very good in knowledge. They provides the best ever Support to me.