Session : 1 – Overview of Perl
- What is Perl?
- The Input Operator
- Print / Printf Statements
- Running Perl Programs
- Sample Program
- Another Sample Program
- Yet Another Example
Session : 2 – Perl Variables
- Three Data Types
- Variable Names and Syntax
- Variable Naming
- Lists
- Scalar and List Contexts
- The Repetition Operator
Session : 3 – Arrays and Hashes
- Arrays
- Array Functions
- The foreach Loop
- The @ARGV Array
- The grep Function
- Array Slices
- Hashes
- Hash Functions
- Scalar and List Contexts Revisited
Session : 4 – Quoting and Interpolation
- String Literals
- Interpolation
- Array Substitution and Join
- Backslashes and Single Quotes
- Quotation Operators
- Command Substitution
- Here Documents
Session :5 – Conditional Statements
- String Literals
- Interpolation
- Array Substitution and Join
- Backslashes and Single Quotes
- Quotation Operators
- Command Substitution
- Here Documents
- If Statements
- If Else Statements
- If Else if Statements
- Nested If Statements
- Switch Statements
Session : 6 – Looping Statements
- While Statements
- Until Statements
- For Statements
- For Each Statements
Session : 7 – Regular Expressions
- Pattern Matching Overview
- The Substitution Operator
- Regular Expressions
- Special Characters
- Quantifiers (*, +, ?, {})
- Assertions (^, $, \b, \B)
- Translate
- Split
- Join
Session : 8 – Subroutines
- Overview of Subroutines
- Passing Arguments
- Private Variables
- Returning Values
Session : 9 – Files Handling
- Overview of File I/
- The open Function
- The Input Operator
- Default Input Operator
- The print Function
- Reading Directories
Session : 10 – Packages and Modules
- Packages
- BEGIN and END Routines
- require vs. use
- Modules
- The bless Function
Session : 11 – Database Connectivity
- Using DBI
- Fetching output of the Query through Perl
- Running other DB queries.
Thanks for the best ever Training. I did my Android Course here. Trainer is very good in knowledge. They provides the best ever Support to me.