Session : 1 – Introduction
- What is JavaScript?
- What is AJAX?
Session : 2 – Developer Essentials
- The development workflow
- Selecting the right tools for the job
- Just enough HTML and CSS
- Understanding objects
- Understanding variables
- Making comparisons
- Understanding events
Session : 3 – Starting to Code
- Writing your first script
- Internal vs. external scripts
- Using comments in scripts
- Using the noscript tag in HTML
Session : 4 – Interacting with Users
- Creating alert dialogs
- Understanding conditional statements
- Getting confirmations from users
- Creating prompts for users
- Understanding functions
- Making links smarter
- Using switch/case statements
- Handling errors
Session : 5 – JavaScript Language Essentials
- Getting started
- Creating loops
- Passing values to functions
- Detecting objects
- Reading arrays
- Returning values from functions
- Writing arrays
- Building do and while loops
- Re-using functions
Session : 6 – Creating Rollovers and More
- Creating a basic image rollover
- How to write a better rollover
- Creating a three-state rollover
- Making rollovers accessible and 508 compliant
- Making disjointed rollovers
- Creating slideshows
- Displaying random images
Session : 7 – Building Smarter Forms
- Getting started
- Creating jump menus
- Creating dynamic menus
- Requiring fields
- Cross-checking fields
- Displaying more informative errors
- Verifying radio button selections
- Setting one field with another field
- Verifying email addresses
Session : 8 – Handling Events
- Responding to window events
- Responding to mouse movements
- Responding to mouse clicks
- Responding to onBlur form events
- Responding to onFocus form events
- Responding to keyboard events
Session : 9 – Working with Cookies
- Demystifying cookies
- Writing a cookie
- Reading a cookie
- Displaying a cookie
- Counting with cookies
- Deleting cookies
- Handling multiple cookies
- Cookies in action
Session : 10 – The DOM, Nodes, and Objects
- Understanding the DOM
- Adding nodes to the DOM
- Deleting nodes from the DOM
- Deleting specific nodes
- Inserting nodes into the DOM
- Replacing nodes in the DOM
Session : 11 – Working with Dates and Times
- Displaying dates
- Displaying times
- Creating a countdown
Session : 12 – Real World Applications of JavaScript
- Creating sliding menus
- Creating pop-up menus
- Creating slideshows with captions
- Creating a stylesheet switcher
Thanks for the best ever Training. I did my Android Course here. Trainer is very good in knowledge. They provides the best ever Support to me.