Session : – 1 Introduction
- What is Ruby
- Why ruby
- General purpose of ruby
- Brief History of Ruby
- Where does ruby get its ideas
- Ruby Installation with RVM
- Creating a basic script in ruby
- Sample demo of ruby program
Session : 2 – RVM(ruby version manager)
- Rvm installation
- Rvm commands
- Rvm Usage
Session : 3 – Working in Linux(Ubuntu) Platform
- Basic Linux commands
- File/Directory Permissions
- Changing access rights
- Text Editors used for ROR
Session : 4 – Ruby Operators & Ruby Shell
- IRB – Ruby Shell
- Working with Ruby operators and expressions
- Numeric Methods
- Rand and Ranges
- Strings, Escaping, Interpolation
- String methods
- Dates and Times
Session : 5 – Ruby Datatypes & Variables
- Ruby Datatypes
- Numbers, Boolean, Strings, Arrays, Hashes, Symbols.
- Types of Variables(Global, Instance, Class, Local, Constant, Pseudo)
- Difference between local & instance variables
- Parallel Assignment
- Variable conditions
Session : 6 – Ruby methods and modules
- Basic ruby methods
- Return values from methods, return statements
- Class methods
- Different ways to call methods
- Ruby modules and Mixins
- Ruby require and include statement
- Diffence between class and module
Session : 7 – OOP in Ruby
- Class
- The initialize method
- The accessor & setter method
- Access Control
- Class Inheritance
- Method Overriding
- Operator Overloading
- Singleton methods
- Metaclass
- Defining Attributes
- Variable types in Ruby
- Super
- Regular Expressions
- Exceptions
Session : 8 – Basic loops and iterators
- Conditional operators
- Case Statement
Session : 9 – Rails Installation and Ruby gems
- What is Rails
- Full tack Framework
- Rails Strength
- COC(convention over configuration)
- Rails Intallation
- Ruby and Rails installation on linux
- Ruby Gems
- Working with RubyGems
- Gem commands
- Framework Technology
- Rails Components
- How does Rails works in MVC
Session : 10 – Databases
- Mysql Introduction
- Installation
- Start/Stop mysql
- Basic Mysql operators
- Creating user and database in mysql
Session : 11 – Statements
- Creating a Sample Application with Rails
- Rails Installation
- Folder Structure
- Setup the application
- Rake
RAILS Model, Controller and Views
Session : 1 – Contoller
- What is controller?
- Architecture Diagram for Controller
- Creating a Controller
- Methods and Actions
- Parameters(params)
- Controller Default methods
- Scaffolding
- Routing
- Restful Resources
- CRUD Verbs and Actions
- Filters(Before,After,Around)
Session : 2 – Models
- What is model
- Active record Basics
- Destroy a model
- Migrations
- Modify, update a model
- Dropping a database
- Association, Validation and callbacks
- Why Association
- Without and wtih Association
- Types of Association
- Active Record validations
- Callbacks & types of callbacks
Session : 3 – Views
- Embedded ruby
- Working in HAML
- Working with Ajax, Jquery in Rails framework
Session : 4 – Testing
Thanks for the best ever Training. I did my Android Course here. Trainer is very good in knowledge. They provides the best ever Support to me.