Session : 1 – Introduction to Development MAC OS, IDE – XCODE, Interface Builder
- Mac versions –Features
- iOS versions -Features
- Introduction to Xcode tool and Compilers
Session : 2 – Introduction to Objective-C
- Creating Objective C classes and Methods
- Creating Properties and methods
- OOPS in Objective C
- Inheritance ,Polymorphism,Dynamic Typing ,Dynamic Binding
- Arrays,set,Dictionaries
- Categories and protocols
- Application Lifecycle
- Xib,StoryBoard and Interface builder
- Creating and building simple applications
- UIState Preservation
- View application sandbox and CrashLogs of Application
Session : 3 – Cocoa Design patterns
- What is MVC ?
- Model ,View and Controller Classes
- Delegate and Datasource
- Singleton Pattern
- Observer pattern
- Target-Action
- Cocoa coding standards
Session : 4 – Memory Management
- Introduction (alloc init,retain Release )
- Auto release pool
Session : 5 – Objective -C ARC
- Migrating your application to ARC
- Basic Interaction with UIControls
- Button,label,Textfields
- switch,slider,progress bar
- Alerts ? Action sheet
- Tableviews
- Scrollview, Web view,maps
- SearchBar,popovers
- Picker,Date picker,Imageview, Image picker controller
- Gestures , Mouse events
- Mail,Message,Phone call
Session : 6 – Orientation and iPhone sensors
- The iPhone Accelerometer
- Detecting shakes
- Determining orientation
- Responding to the accelerometer
Session : 7 – WorkingWithTableView
- UITableViewController
- Working with multiple TableViews
- UITableViewCell
- TableView practices
- CustomCell creation.
Session : 8 – Multi View Applications
- view to view (Present model view controller )
- Navigation controller
- Tabbar controller
- Pageview controller
- Split view controller
Session : 9 – CoreGraphics and QuartzCore
- UIKit and view lifeCycle
- Draw lines and transforms.
- Alphe ,Opaque ,hidden
- Create PDF fiels
- Merge Images
- SplashView and Basic animation
- Adding Views with animation
Sesion : 10 – Maps SDK
- Introduction to MapKit Framework
- Showing a simple Map
- Update User Location
- Background location updates of user .
Session : 10 – REST and SOAP services , XML and JSON Parsing
- Asynchronous and synchronous request
- Soap service
- Rest service
- Xml and JSON Parsing
- KeyValue coding and Nested JSON objects
- Error handling
- Lazy loading
Session : 11 – MultiTasking in iOS
- NSThread and management of multiple threads
- Synchronous and Asynchronous
- Introduction to NSTimers
- GCD in iOS
- NSOperation and NSOperationQueue
Session : 12 – Data Base Persistence
- User Defaults
- Plist
- sqlite
- Core Data
Session : 13 – Media interaction
- AVAudio player
- MedaiPlayer
- MPMovie player
Session : 14 – Notifications
- Local notifications
- App level Notifications
- Push Notifications
Session : 15 – Social Network Integration
- FaceBook
- Twitter
- Google +
Session : 16 – Testing And Deployment
- Debugging application in device.
- iOS5,iOS6,iOS7 features and differences
- App store Submission
Thanks for the best ever Training. I did my Android Course here. Trainer is very good in knowledge. They provides the best ever Support to me.