Besant Technologies provides Blue Prism training in BTM Layout Bangalore to freshers and Working professionals. Learn Robotic Process Automation (RPA) from the Best Blue Prism Training Institute in BTM Layout Bangalore with the most experienced and Robotic Process Automation training certified expert trainers in the field.
In our RPA Blue Prism Training in BTM Layout Bangalore, aspirants will undergo practical training which increases the commanding skill on tool. In this training period candidates will undergo complete real time experience through practical examples and live projects.
Other RPA tools available UiPath Training, OpenSpan Training, Automation Anywhere Training.
What is the course about?
Blue Prism is a course that is articulately built on Microsoft.NET Framework. Knowledge of Blue Prism assists the learners to automate any random or hardcore application and provides relevant support to the platforms like Windows, Java, Web, Mainframe et cetera which is portrayed in a variety of ways like thin client, web browser, terminal emulator, Citrix and web services.
The course has been sketched with multi-environment deployment models that include test, development, staging, and production with relevantly both logical and physical access controls. Blue Prism also supports regulatory based contexts like PCI-DSS, SOX, and HIPAA with an excessively large amount of controls so as to initiate required governance and security.
The Blue Prism Training is a course in Chennai which makes the aspirant go through practical training that increases their commanding skills over the tool. During this period of training, candidates go through a thorough real-time experience by ways of practical instances or examples and live projects or assignments. In this particular course, the candidates get a thorough grip on the preparation of their resume via mock interviews, and interview preparation.
What are the objectives of the course?
The prime objective of pursuing the Blue Prism Training in Chennai is to make every trainee work in top class and reputed organization throughout the globe.
Blue Prism offers certain key features that are all the more reliable and easy to accommodate and learn. Few of them are delineated below, have a look:
- 24X7 hour support
- Thorough thirty hours of a training session for every trainee who have enrolled for the course.
- Overview of real-world scenario and articulate cases
- Support of Experts and certified software trainers
- All time access to the recorded audio session and videos for the trainees.
Who should pursue this course?
The following learners can pursue the Blue Prism course to widen their scope and approach:
- Fresh graduates
- Full time working professionals
- Digital Marketing Experts
- Business Intelligence Experts
- Professionals or engineers who are willing to begin their career based on RPA or Robotic Process Automation.
What are the job opportunities for Blue Prism?
A market generated Robotic Process Automation or RPA, Blue Prism offers the learners with hands-on training in Chennai with optional mentoring and back to back follow-ups that widens their career graph. Blue Prism knowledge completely provides maximum benefit to the learners and yields them with certifications and jobs in MNCs.
Following are the major pointers that delineate the advantages of the scope of Blue Prism in the professional world:
- The average salary for a Robotic Process Automation expert is $63000.
- The demand of RPA experts is on the whole increasing day by day.
- According to economic and statistical data, it has been recorded that more than five million jobs will be available by the year 2020 for robotics and automation industry.
- Blue Prism does not involve coding, therefore making it possible for anyone to learn.
Blue Prism Training Course Syllabus
Introduction to Blue Prism
- Introduction to Blue Prism
- Blue Prism Architecture
- Blue Prism Dashboard
Overview of Blue Prism Modules
- Process Studio
- Object Studio
- Control Room
- Dashboard
- Release Manager
- System Manager
Process Studio
- Creating process with the below stages
- Process Flow
- Create, Edit, Save, Test, Compare, Delete Process
- Open and Executing a Process
- It is the graphical representation of a working computer program, one that will interact with applications, manipulate data and perform decisions and Calculations.
- Decision Stage
- Calculation Stage
- Data Item
- Collections
- Loops
- Page Reference
Controlling Play
- Controlling the Process Validation
Object Studio
- Creating object with below stages
- Read Stage
- Write Stage
- Code Stage
- Wait Stage
- Navigate Stage
- Application Modeler
Application Modeler provides 4 types of spy modes based on the application that we choose.
- Win32 mode
- Accessibility mode
- Region mode
- Html mode
- How to define attributes in application modeler
- Inputs and Outputs
- Environment Variables
- Session Variables
- Case Management
Work Queue Features
- Creating Work Queue
Surface Automation
- Spying with different spy modes
- Running a process
- Control Room
- Scheduler